David Skinner (journalist)

David Skinner is the editor of Humanities magazine, which is published by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Previously, he was an assistant managing editor at The Weekly Standard, for which he frequently wrote.

Before joining the Standard in November 1998, Skinner was managing editor of The Public Interest. He has written for Education Next, Slate, the Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other publications. He is on the usage panel for the American Heritage Dictionary.[1] Until 2007, he edited Doublethink, a quarterly journal for young writers published by America's Future Foundation.[2] He also was formerly associated with the Galley Slaves blog, along with fellow Weekly Standard staffers Jonathan V. Last and Victorino Matus.[3]


  1. ^ Page titled "David Skinner: Assistant Managing Editor" on the Weekly Standard Web site, accessed January 17, 2009
  2. ^ Announcement from the America's Future Foundation of Skinner's departure as editor of Doublethink, dated November 11, 2007, accessed January 17, 2009
  3. ^ Snapshot, via the Internet Archive, of the "Galley Slaves" blog on July 23, 2007

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